
Minggu, 28 November 2010

Semua Process Engineer yang ada di Dunia :)

PROCESS' technical staff is comprised of:

  • Mr. L. H. (Hop) Boyd, Jr., P.E., Senior Process Engineer, a chemical engineer (M.S., University of Arkansas, 1985) with 27 years experience in the design, startup, and operation of chemical production, petroleum refining, and waste handling and treatment processes, as well as in the design, startup, and operation of process control systems and computer process modeling and simulation.
  • Mr. James S. (Jim) Morris, P.E., Senior Process Engineer, a chemical engineer (M.S., University of Tennessee, 1988) with 29 years experience in the design, startup, and operation of batch chemical processes, waste treatment and air pollution control systems, and metalworking production units, as well as in computer process modeling and simulation.
  • Mr. Melvin C. (Mel) Coker, Jr., Senior Process Engineer, a chemical engineer (B.S., University of Tennessee, 1989) with 20 years experience in petroleum refining, petrochemical production, chemical processing, and pulp and paper manufacturing process hazard analysis, including process design, control system, operations, and process documentation review and evaluation.
  • Ms. Jacqueline F. (Jacqui) Stewart, P.E., Senior Process Engineer, a chemical engineer (B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1986) with 20 years experience in the design, startup, and operation of batch chemical, specialty metal, and pharmaceuticals production processes, as well as in the design and permitting of environmental systems.

Minggu, 14 November 2010


Boiler adalah bejana tertutup dimana panas pembakaran dialirkan ke air sampai terbentuk air panas atau steam. Air panas atau steam pada tekanan tertentu kemudian digunakan untuk mengalirkan panas ke suatu proses. Didalam industri kimia peranan uap ini sangat penting dan disediakan oleh unit pengadaan pabrik. Penggunaan uap tersebut antara lain:
  • Pemanas,digunakan uap jenuh bertekanan rendah
  • Pembangkit tenaga,untuk turbin digunakan uap lewat jenuh
  • Fluida pada jet ejector,peralatan ini digunakan untuk menjadai tekanan rendah pada suatu ruangan
  • Proses,biasanya berfungsi sebagai reaktan dari suatu reaksi kimia di reaktor


1. SULFIT ( Catalyzed Sodium Sulfit )
Merk Dagang yang digunakan di PT. SMA adalah Chemico 169 (Catalyzed Oxygen Scavenger)
Fungsi :
Ø Untuk menghilangkan oksigen terlarut dari air umpan Boiler.
Reaksi :

Na2SO3 + O2 ------> 2 NaSO4